This is the Genealogy page of the Grove family Denmark

Grove Heraldik

The genealogy book which my mother had made some 30 years ago has been scanned and put at this homepage for you to check out.

The Cast "HERMELIN" with a red Sparre covered with 3 musleshells where the one in the middle is of gold and the 2 others of silver.
The Helmet shows a walking black dog with a silver necklace.
The helmetchain is on the inside made of silver, and on the outside covered with (red) gold.
This Cast is made from the signet belonging to Hans Didrik Grove ( 1788 - 1852) and accepted in the "Dansk Heraldisk Selskabs Vaabenrulle" under the number 524 whereas the first known holder was Jens Grove (1584 - 1639)
The Cast can be seen in the catacombs of Frederiksberg Castle, 2000 Frederiksberg


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Updated:   Januar 1'st 2015